最新消息 - Linkedin Learning 集點活動

LinkedIn Learning集點活動

LinkedIn Learning Reward Event


管理學院與微軟公司合作提供管理學院每位學生免費的LinkedIn Learning學習帳號,讓學生可以不受場域限制,配合個人時間,學習方式、學習時間都由你決定,探索有興趣的課程內容、習得新技能並培養自主學習的習慣。

School of Management collaborates with Microsoft to provide each student with a free Linked Learning account. This online learning platform could help students access courses on their schedule, from any desktop to mobile at any time. You could explore any kind of courses you like and prove new skills.


111學年第一學期:即日起至219 (星期日)17:00止。

The fall semester of the 2022 academic year: Starting from now till 19th FEB. 5 pm.

預計2023224 () 公告得獎名單。

The list of winners is expected to be announced on February 24 (Fri) 2023.

【活動對象】Target Participants


All department of School of Management students.



Winner (1 prize), First Runner-up (2 prizes), Second Runner-up (3 prizes),

Participation Award (150 prizes); Offer valid while stocks last.

【活動辦法】Rules and Regulations

Step 1. 啟用LinkedIn Learning帳號

Step 2. 完成課程

Step 3. 截圖學習紀錄及下載證書

Step 4. 匯整成一份PDF

Step 5. 郵寄至:lynnlin@mail.ntust.edu.tw /林小姐

      信件標題:【LinkedIn Learning event】系所及年級_學號_姓名


Step 1. Unlock your LinkedIn Learning account

Step 2. Finished course

Step 3. Screenshot your learning history and download the certificate

Step 4. Save as a PDF file

Step 5. Email: lynnlin@mail.ntust.edu.tw

      Title:LinkedIn Learning eventdepartment/Grad _ student ID_ name

      Letter text: Please provide your total learning hours.


If you didn’t receive the invitation mail, please contact the SOM office/Ms. Lin

※邀請信件請用HTML瀏覽 (信件內文區右上方)

Please use HTML to browse the invitation letter (the upper right of the letter text area)

【哪裡截圖及下載】Where can get the file

學習記錄:My Library 左側列表最下方:Learning History,即可截圖。

課程證書:影片下方Overview CertificatesShow all,即可下載。

Learning History: Click “My library” bottom of the left side “Learning History”

Certificate: click “overview” below the video Certificates Show all

【點數計算方式】how to collect the point



1 point per hour; at least 5 hours.

Exchange the prize in order of total learning hours. (default by email time)

【可計入點數的課程類型】types of courses that could be count

僅限CourseLearning Path

CoursesLearning Path only.

【聯絡窗口】Contact info

如有任何疑問,請來電洽詢 (02)2733-3141分機7055/林小姐,或來信lynnlin@mail.ntust.edu.tw

TEL: (02)2733-3141 #7055 / Ms. Lin

Email: lynnlin@mail.ntust.edu.tw